Avis aux observateurs côtiers !
Vous trouverez ci dessous des nouvelles récentes concernant la saison de nidification 2018 ou plutôt l'absence de reproduction (!) des populations de limicoles du Nord-Est du Groenland en raison d'une couverture neigeuse persistante, phénomène apparemment inhabituel.
L'âge ratio et la survie adulte des Bécasseaux sanderlings et maubèches ou des Tournepierres originaire de cette région qui passent ou hivernent sur le littoral français risque d'être impacté.
Copiright J.Reneerkens |
Les chercheurs néerlandais et danois étudiants en particulier le Bécasseaux sanderlings Calidris alba sont donc intéressés par vos observations (lecture de bagues couleurs et âge ratio).
Dear shorebird enthusiast,
It is early
July, and most Arctic shorebirds are on their breeding grounds now. I
have just returned from Zackenberg in northeast Greenland, and it
appeared to be a non-breeding season, which I have never experienced
before. It looks like hardly any shorebird will breed this year along
the entire east coast of Greenland, so I would already like to ask for your help
to document the (extend of the) effects of this odd Arctic summer by
counting the number of juvenile and adult Sanderlings when they have
returned from the Arctic. You can find a manual of how to do this
attached to this e-mail. Please send your counts to me by e-mail.
Here you can read more about what I witnessed in the last half of June in Greenland:
Please feel free to share this link within your networks.
Best wishes,
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